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Kings Daughters

Kings Daughters


Psalm 127:5 say ” Happy is the man that has his quiver full of them; they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemy at the gate”
Jesse the Bethlehemite was a man, happy and blessed of the Lord. He has is quiver full of children (sons) and they aren’t ordinary sons, but they were such that could stand and speak with the enemies at the gate. No wonder it was easy for God to make a choice of king among them. All the sons of Jesse were well trained and prepared for battle; they were all enlisted in the army of King Saul and out to fight the battle of the Lord only the youngest of them was not among them – age disqualified him. But the truth remains that this youth got what it takes to speak with the enemy at the gate.When Samuel visited Jesse, he was quick to pick the first son and anoint him as a king because ordinarily in his appearance, he passed Samuel’s standard and the same was for every other brethren – all of them are up to the task, they are men of substance, men of war.
Jesse did not only train is sons to be battle prepared, he was still keen in following up their well being at the battle front. He was still sending words of encouragement and victuals to them at the battle field. 1 Samuel 17:17-18

“And Jesse said unto David his son, take now for thy brethren ephah of this parched corn, and these ten loaves and run to the camp to thy brethren; And carry these ten cheeses unto the captain of their ten thousand, and look how thy brethren fare and take their pledge.”

Teach the word Continues.

  1. He was quick to remind his boys the stuff they were made of. They must hold on and not quite. It wasn’t a surprise that the deliverer for Israel came from the man Jesse. His boys have been trained to speak with the enemy at the gate. David did not only have the strength and expertise for battle, he also has a voice that can not be silence by the enemy. He went out of the camp of Israel to speak with Goliath. The battle between David and Goliath was the battle of words and David was so skilled and thient, having the right words to speak. His words are shaper than any two edged sword because they are not ordinary words of men, but seasoned with the words of God – for he made his boastings in the Lord. 1 Samuel 17: 45, 47
  2. “Then said David to the Philistine, Thou cometh to me with a sword and with a spear and with a shield; but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the enemy of Israel, whom thou has defied … and all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spears; for the battle is of the Lord and he will give you into our hands.”
  3. A man of God said that it wasn’t the stone that David threw that killed Goliath, but he was already a dead man hearing the words that was spoken by David. The stone only came to kill him physically!. Children speaking with the enemies at the gate… Are your children trained enough to stand and do likewise? How are you training them? What are the words being pumped into their heads and minds on daily basis? Can they recite any verse of the scripture? Do they have the knowledge of the most high God? Do they know Him? Can thy make there boastings in the Lord? It is not enough for your child to be prepared for a glorious future by being sent to the best private school and given the best opportunity life can afford him to be trained for a greater tomorrow.
  4. Every child needs the knowledge of God as their source and sustenance. Every child needs to be trained to develop good character for that is what will keep him when he gets to his throne. Parents, please take time to develop Christ in your child. Let him or her know God and versed in the word of God. Let their speech be seasoned with the word of God, for then shall they be able to speak with the enemy at the gate; for then shall they have a voice and wisdom that no one can resist nor gainsay.
    Teach your child, it can’t be too early, it can only be late. Like Jesse, don’t stop at mere sending your kids to children church to learn about God. Take your time to listen to your child recite his or her memory verse for the week. Encourage him or her to develop skill in memorizing the scripture; one easy way to teach kids the word of God is to make a simple song for them. If you are not a good composer, search out songs that are scripture based ;teach the scripture, tell them Bible stories and teach the song and you will find out they will not forget it. These words will be part of them and form their language pattern. This word will help and save them even when you are not there!

Remember that a man who hath his quiver filled with children who could not speak with the enemy at the gate will only be ashamed and be at a loss. Any child that is not trained and prepared, who attempt to speak with the enemy at the gate is only on a suicide mission! SHALOM!


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